Magic of PowerPoint + Canva. Create Effective Presentations

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  • / Magic of PowerPoint + Canva. Create Effective Presentations

    Module will get acquainted students with the popular PowerPoint and Canva programs for creating presentations and decorating projects. In the future, the child will be able to apply their knowledge at school and design their own projects.

    • Module duration - 1 month
    • Age - from 7 y.o

    The First International CyberSchool, qualified by Microsoft Corporation, gives children aged 6-7 years the opportunity to develop their skills in creating presentations using Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Canva online service. During the month, children will study the features of these popular programs, learn how to work with different graphics and create not only effective presentations, but also postcards, business cards, flyers, posters, covers for social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), collages and infographics. Tutors of the module will explain and show in practice how children can convey their ideas in one presentation instead of a thousand words and capture the attention of the audience.

    Features of learning PowerPoint + Canva at Cyber School

    “Magic of PowerPoint + Canva. Create effective presentations” module will help your child to understand that they do not have to talk about their ideas for hours — their ideas can be clearly presented to the audience using illustrations and with a minimum of text. Children will be able to create interesting, structured and catchy content by themselves. In addition, in the classroom, they develop logic, flexibility of thinking and speed of decision-making, which makes them feel more confident among their peers.

    Training in creating presentations using PowerPoint and Canva at KIBERone Cyber School is based on the author's program developed by IT professionals, psychologists and teachers. The module is adapted specifically for children's perception, so that it is easier and faster for a child to get the skills that are in demand during school life and necessary for professional growth in the field of IT.

    At the CyberSchool, Microsoft PowerPoint + Canva training includes several stages, containing 20% of theory and 80% of practice:

    • program interface reviews;
    • selection of templates and styles;
    • sections creation;
    • slides composing;
    • images, backgrounds, and colors editing;
    • adding of text and fonts select;
    • cool infographics;
    • ready-made compositions and elimination of unnecessary stuff;
    • conversion of a presentation to PDF, JPG, PNG, or video, as well as turning it into a business card website;
    • saving in the required format for offline demonstration or for showing to visitors in a blog or website.

    Learning presentations with PowerPoint and Canva at our CyberSchool is a treasure trove of new knowledge and practical experience. By the end of the module, your child will be able to create beautiful and effective multimedia presentations without any problem.

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